Ready Set Write, revising, What´s Up Wednesday

What´s Up Wednesday? And Ready. Set. Write Winner Edition


*Waves* *Smiles* .  If you´re participating in Ready. Set. Write!, don´t hesitate to add the link to your What´s Up Wednesday post on Jaime´s blog here.  From there, you can also discover new blogs and encourage other writers! What´s up Wednesday is the brainchild of Jaime and Erin.  It´s a way to keep in touch in just four headings…

And before moving on to our usual program, here´s the winner of our Ready. Set. Write! giveaway:

 Raven Moore

Congrats!!!! We will send you an email shortly with more details….

What I´m reading
I´ve been diving into Romantic suspense novels (Adult ones *gasps*) – it´s helping me with my writing at the moment…
What I’m Writing
ready set write button
Okay 6 chapters might have been a *tad*  too much to revise. Just a tad. But I did revise 4 chapters!!! Which right now feels BIG. Plus these revisions are kind of a lot of rewriting since I changed something at the beginning that made me add a LOT. Since my first drafts are usually on the short side this is good…
And I got to write a kissing scene, are you ready? Please remember: it´s totally a draft!

Malik grabs my hand and pulls me toward the lockers. My back´s pressed against one and he puts his hands on both sides of my body. He´s so close that if I wanted to, I could simply lean forward and kiss him.

“You were saying?” I try to sound flirtatious but my tone´s husky and expecting.

“I used to think you were hot.”


“And funny. And okay pretty smart.”

“In that order? Really? Smart comes last? I beat your ass so much during practices.”

His fingers stroke my jaw and I shut up. He smiles, his half-smile, that shows only one of his dimples and there´s a pressure in my chest, the good kind, the kind that makes me feel full despite everything.

“But you know what else? You´re simply wow!”

I giggle at this word. “Wow. Not gorgeous, beautiful inside out, amazing, strong…”

His hand gets lost in my hair and he pulls my face closer to him. We´re totally going to be sent to the principal´s office for PDA.

He whispers “Nope. You´re wow.” And his lips find mine. One of my hands rests on his chest while the other finds its way to his shoulder. He presses into me a bit more and the kiss deepens but oh too soon the bell rings.

My goal for next week? Revise two chapters.

What else I´ve been up to
Last week, I mentioned on my blog my idea of a “Writer´s Appreciation Pledge” and I´ve heard great feedback! I´ll try to come up with a button soon and maybe we can spread the word. I´ve sent two emails already and one of the writers replied. I can´t tell you how happy this made me! But this pledge isn´t about getting answers (even though it´s simply WOW when it happens), it´s to remind the writers whose works we loved so much that they´re appreciated and that their words mean something to us…
Public Service Announcement: 
Oh and in case you haven´t seen Jenny Han is running a giveaway right now Here you can enter a contest for a signed Burn for Burn paperback:
And here you can pre-order a signed hard cover copy of Fire With Fire (the sequel out next month), WITH a 20% discount!

What inspires me right now

My reading.

The story I´m creating.

And these news…really these news make me SO happy and really inspire me to move forward with my dreams. And I already pre-ordered Push Girls! Congrats again Jessica!

Book Deal Jessica

It’s also on these book sites, where you can pre-order!

I can’t wait to check all your posts and see what you’ve been up to 🙂

29 thoughts on “What´s Up Wednesday? And Ready. Set. Write Winner Edition”

  1. Fantastic kissing scene! I loved it. Aren’t they just THE best to write.

    Good Luck with those two chapters this week!

    Congrats to Raven.

  2. Congrats, Raven! Yaaaay! 🙂

    Love your kissing scene, too. Kissing scenes totally rock.

    Interesting that you’re reading romantic suspense for adults right now. Is the suspense about the romance, or are they more like thrillers? I don’t read a lot of books for adults, but a really great thriller I recently read was THE EXPATS by Chris Pavone. I’ve kind of been recommending it to everyone. So well-written.

    Good luck with your revisions this week!

  3. I LOVE THE KISSING SCENE!!! Hurry up with those revisions, friend! I want to read this!

    Also, yay for Jessica! I can’t wait to read this book!

    Good luck with your goals for the week. And do keep us posted on The Writer’s Pledge – what a great idea!

  4. Great kissing scene! I always find them so hard to write without giggling.

    Yay for Jessica. That is a big thing!

    Good luck with those revisions this week (4 chapters was a lot already!)

  5. Great Kissing Scene!! And yes, “Kissing Scene” should always be in caps!

    Congrats on your writing goals. I’m right there with you in the rewrite/revision cave. (It’s dark in there sometimes, so I thought you should know you’re not alone.)

    Hope you have a fantastic week and good luck with those next few chapters!

  6. I like your writer appreciation pledge! It’s so easy to connect with authors now; even a nice message on twitter or a post on a blog counts, if readers feel intimidated by sending a letter or email.

  7. Four revised chapters is awesome progress, Elodie! And I love your excerpt, as usual. The *wow* bit… So cute and unique! Best of luck with your goals for the coming week!

  8. Loved your little kissing snippet! 🙂

    And getting through 4 chapters of revisions is HUGE – awesome job on that and best of luck making it through the rest of your chapters this week!

    Also, the news about Jessica – so awesome and so well deserved. And definitely an inspiration!

    Happy Wednesday, Elodie!

  9. As I told you on Twitter, I acted on your Writer’s Appreciation Pledge and wrote to two authors whose books I’d really enjoyed. One of them wrote back to thank me! As you say, the point isn’t to get authors writing back (after all, we want them to carry on writing books, not spending all their time responding to fan mail), but the fact she took the time out to reply was nice. 🙂

    Good work with the WIP so far, Elodie. Keep up with the revisions. 🙂

  10. I’ve been branching out a bit with my reading lately too and I find that it really helps my writing. Thanks for sharing such a swoony snippet with us, Elodie! You’re making great progress on your revision. Keep it up!

    I like your Writer’s Appreciation Pledge. What a good idea! I might have to do that. I sort of do it on Twitter already, but an email would be cool too. Good luck with your writing this week! 😀

  11. Revising four chapters IS BIG. Congratulations, Elodie! Keep up the good work. And thanks for sharing this teaser. It doesn’t read like a draft at all. *swoon* I love this! The dialogue is so perfect, and errr…that stupid bell.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway! Hearing that I won really made my day.

    Good luck with this week’s goals. 🙂

  12. You’re too nice giving us a kissing scene to read. 🙂

    I love the Writer’s Appreciation idea, and I’m also so excited for Jessica! Good luck with your writing goals, and thank you for being so supportive of my (very meager) goals for this week. I wish all of you could have been at SDCC with me!

  13. Ooooh, I love the snippet you posted. Kissing scenes are the best! I don’t have any in my WIP (my narrator is 12), and I miss writing them!

    Four chapters is still a lot to revise, be proud! 🙂 Good luck with your goals for this week!

  14. My husband read my book, and as he was nearly the make-out scene, I was embarrassed that he was going to read it. He was thoroughly supportive, but I felt like a stupid little girl. Kiss scenes are hard, so well done!

  15. Yay, I LOVE your Writer’s Appreciation pledge! I’ve sent a couple of emails/tweets to authors when I’ve really loved their book, and I don’t care about getting responses either–I just love letting someone know I loved their book. I hope it makes them happy 🙂

  16. It goes against my tom-boy upbringing, but man do I love kissing scene. That one was great! Here’s wishing you the very best with your revisions/total and complete rewrites. Gosh, do I know what that’s like.

  17. I especially liked this bit: “…there´s a pressure in my chest, the good kind, the kind that makes me feel full despite everything.” Love the feeling that comes through there! And darn that stupid school bell for interrupting lol!

    Getting four chapters revised is awesome! The thing with revisions is that it’s so hard to tell where they’ll lead and how long they’ll take. It can be a matter of tweaking a few words, or entirely rewriting things, and you never know until you’re in the thick of it. Best of luck getting two more chapters revised next week!

  18. Loved your kissing scene. So good! Congrats on revising those four chapters. Good luck with your writing goals. Have a great weekend!

  19. Four chapters is awesome!! My drafts tend to be on the small side. So much easier adding than deleting. And OMG KISSING SCENE!!! Love it!!

    Thanks for the links! Good luck this week!

  20. OMG. Loved the kissing scene.

    If my characters could kiss in every scene my MS would be finished so much faster. Kissing scenes are so much more fun to write. Of course, that might be a whole different kind of book at that point.

    The good thing about YA is that the characters are so dang unpredictable at times, it keeps things interesting, even when there’s no kissing. 🙂

  21. Kissing scenes are my fave and yours is so cute!

    And, four chapters is not shabby at all…are you kidding? Sometimes it takes me two days to revise a chapter.

    I CANNOT wait for FIRE FOR FIRE. BURN FOR BURN was sooooo goooddd….

  22. Ooh, I love that scene you shared. This is my favorite part, “…and there´s a pressure in my chest, the good kind, the kind that makes me feel full despite everything.” LOVE. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! And congrats on revising four chapters – that’s a lot! Have a great week! 🙂

  23. Hurrah! Thank you for sharing an excerpt! LOVED IT!
    Good luck with your revisions this week! When I think of the way I revise, I can’t imagine getting four chapters completed. 😛 Go you!

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