About me

The *Official* Story in third person which is SO strange to write 🙂

Author picture - Elodie Nowodazkij

Author picture: Elizabeth Rogers.

Elodie Nowodazkij crafts sizzling rom-coms with grumpy book boyfriends and the bold, funny women who win their hearts. Sometimes, she even writes stories that scare the crap out of her. Raised in a small French village, she was never far from a romance novel. At nineteen, she moved to the U.S., where she found out her French accent is here to stay.  Now in Maryland with her husband, dog, and cat, she whips up heartwarming, hilarious, and hot romances or heart-pounding and haunting romantic suspense novels. All of them hard to put down. Ready to take the plunge? The water’s delightfully warm.

How to pronounce “Elodie Nowodazkij”:

And a few things you may not know about me:

  • I met the Nobel Prize of Economics 2014 (before he received the prize) at a conference and he helped me with my suitcase.
  • I speak three languages fluently (English, French and German) and a tiny bit of Spanish and Russian.
  • I love food, all kinds of food but I always drop something at the most inappropriate time like during a business lunch in an 15th century dining room with very important people at the table. The key is to continue talking as if nothing happened and smile.
  • I shook the hand of the former Chancellor of Germany.
  • I broke my arm in two places when I was about twelve…my gym teacher didn’t believe me at first and told me to shake it off.
  • I spent lots of my time at my grandparents after breaking my arm and freaked out because the cast was red. I was convinced I was bleeding profusely. My grandma had a hard time making me understand that the red on my cast was just the reflection of the kitchen tiles…